Phew, year two of club is done... Finished and I can't believe it.
When I got to Chesapeake it was a long uphill battle if you have read my blog from the beginning you will see, I didn't think I would see fruit, I was scared 98% of the time and I felt like I had failed... Lord thank you for all of that because it humbled me it showed me that all I have and need is you in me.
Stephanie my best friend... a high school senior of whom I have post after post about got to share her testimony at club tonight. Stephanie has been in this with me, she sees the need for a savior in girls lives and she desires true, real, life for them. Tonight she shared the trials of her life in front of 60 kids all of whom go to her school. She shared the brokenness of life and how Christ granted her with freedom and the spirit was glowing from her.
I wish she could have seen the Stephanie I met October of 2010 the one who was obsessed with looks, the silent, scared girl that I got to see blossom into a gorgeous woman of Christ.
Stephanie is creating a legacy at hickory and she knows it now. She is going to the university of north Texas next year (yes I'm sad) and she has seen fruit she has seen death and life and joy and she will get to lead girls that don't even know her yet to the foot of the cross. I can't wait for her to breathe the life of Christ into the broken the lord will show her.
I'm so proud of her and so incredibly blessed that I have a best friend who is 17 years old who knows more about faithful living than most people my age and I am so thankful that a room of HS students got to hear her testament to freedom. I will miss having her physically by my side in this so much more than i let myself feel but if she stayed here it would stifle the kingdom its so obvious she is a gift and has so much Christ to share!
So my sweet Stephanie you are free indeed, you are allowing kids to bump into a holy place when they hear you and speak to you, I am so sorry I didn't introduce myself to you when you were decorating that junior hallway but don't worry that is forever etched in my mind and I know it is a part of your testament to him :). Stephanie don't you ever forget that it is never finished it is just the beginning I love you dearly you are a precious gift to my soul. Galatians 2:20 is what you're living.