Wednesday, February 29, 2012

i desire the lost...

Riane so focused.
Lauren learning some techniques.

Club was funny on Monday.  It was small but so fun, we screamed Adele songs, I brushed my teeth in front of club and Jacob dressed as a spanish magician from Milwaukee the typical young life club... but it didn't seem the same. 

We are going to Lake Champion this summer and I sat at Wendy's with a couple of girls who have been coming for a few weeks and I asked them if they wanted to come to camp here was their response: 
"Well I mean everything you show us just looks like its a bunch of fun and you don't talk about Jesus." I was thinking to myself... well no not quite but I realized in that moment we have few to no really lost kids coming to club... I went home so burdened, so convicted. 
I woke up Tuesday morning so uneasy... I don't know what to do, I don't know if I need to change or my techniques do but something has to happen. 

Obviously this is incarnational ministry and Jesus so often hung out with the broken, the messed up, the unmentionables of society and thats what I want. 

Monday before club I went with Stephanie to an honor society meeting (don't even ask how I got that idea) and as she handed out tickets to kids for a fundraiser, I saw girls that I would NEVER meet normally at a sports game and I thought... "where are these kids? How do I find these kids? Love these kids? These are the kids Jesus would have been with." So I desire the lost of Hickory and I don't know where to go to find the atheists, the drunkards, the adulteress women, the lame but I know He will show me where to go. 

For now could you be praying that the lost would come... not necessarily to club but that I would develop friendships and there would be a change? 

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